Wednesday 6 October 2021

You owe it to yourself to take a closer l~@@~k at this, it is for everyone!*******

I am Charmaine from Cape Town, South Africa originally, now living in Morocco as a mommypreneur. I have been working online for a third time since 2019. It takes patience and perseverance but it is exciting and thrilling and being able to stay at home and take care of my sons and working around that is of utmost importance to me and makes it all the sweeter. Yes covid forced us to stay at home all the more and it has been challenging to keep working with everyone on top of me and my mobile and computor, haha but since 2021 I have been able to cashout regularly each month over USD100 which has been really helpful especially since living in Morocco where things are relatively cheap! Anyway enough about me, let me tell you about this great opportunity! Just click my introduction text to go through to the link!<b>
l am thrilled to be able to introduce you to a platform that is affordable for all because the cheapest upgrade is just USD2.50. This platform will help you to fund your dreams and charities of your choice. I am in a phenomenal team who will help you to refer 3 people that want to fund their dreams or a charity and if they upgrade, you will receive a portion of that. It is a 3X11 matrix so more information about that later. There are live videos and zooms on webtalk from the team and those videos are posted to youtube too. I will post a link for you to join here and our upline is Teacher Timothy Lacock and this is his youtube channel. 100% of the funds from his channel will be funnelled back into Refer life so please subscribe, like comment and share his videos which will help you and your downlines to not only understand how it works, but also help in funding everyone that joins on our team! He has the 4000 watch hours already and just needs subscribers to 1000 so please subscribe and share this information with others so they do the same. Do you realize how powerful that is! We will have a constant source of funding coming from youtube and we are JUST getting started! Imagine where we are going with this! To the top, is the short answer! I upgraded to the USD2.50 level myself and then he upgraded me with an additional USD10 and he and his partner Andy Smith who is also in webtalk, the social media site that pays you to be social and create more success, are receiving additional funds from anonymous donors as well because everyone wants to help everyone else and of course everyone wants to earn more as fast as possible so it makes perfect sense. So watch this video here which I have just finished watching tonight and you will hear my name in the video, Charmaine so you will know it is legit. So that live zoom has not been posted yet on youtube so I will post the other one and please listen and subscribe, ring the bell for notifications Everyone no matter which country you are from is being helped so just join and learn as we go along. I received 3 referrals from my sponsor and he intends bringing in more people. You can only have 3 people on your first level and its a 3X11 matrix and everyone in your upline 11 levels get a piece of your contribution so if you pay the usd 2,50 then your upline 11 levels up gets 11cents each. As the purchased packages increase so do the contributions and before you start thinking its so little, you have to see the story of the penny doubling for just 30 days and it adds up to over a 5 million dollars! Do not underestimate the power of this system. I am in it and already seeing results. It is working and happening! Please come join us and if you wish to join Webtalk too, which is another source of income and is earning me over USD100 monthly since the beginning of the year and you will be more closely connected to the main players in our team which are leaders in Webtalk. Hope you all join and there is no way to not succeed if you do, just make sure you refer 3 and encourage them to do the same and also turn on the auto upgrade on your profiles and we are on our way! Have a great day.
Here is the link to join me on webtalk my username is charm if you are asked.

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