Tuesday 26 December 2017

Why everyone should have a basic income | Guy Standing | TEDxKlagenfurt

“Every person, regardless of age, sex, marital status or work status, should have the right to a basic income, adequate to enable him or her to cover basic needs.”

Salam Aleichum brothers and sisters in Islam
Would you like to increase your good deeds by helping humanity, animals and environment with a simple FREE click?
You may click once a day, every day.
http://www.pajacyk.pl/#index CLICK the hungry tummy!
Which children’s rights issue should you champion?
Right now, nearly 1 in 4 children are growing up in countries affected by conflict or disaster – they need advocates like you to stand up for their rights. Take our quiz to match with your ideal advocacy issue. When you match, you’ll unlock 50 cents for children.
http://www.cliquealimentos.com.br/Inicial FEED HUNGRY in BRAZIL Click to feed
Pop Quiz: What do you really know about these lunch foods? Take the @feedingamerica quiz and help fight hunger!. http://bit.ly/2aZMtov
http://cancerdemama.com.br/ TO HELP BREAST CANCER RESEARCH IN BRAZIL
http://www.bhookh.com/ Thank You !
You have donated a cup of staple food to a hungry Indian through the UN.
Please remember to come back tomorrow.
http://www.okruszek.org.pl/ CLICK the BREAD to feed the hungry!
The Prophet saw said ‘’...the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little.”
This is Lynelle, a brave Canadian teen who stood up to cyberbullying and joined us on the WE Day stage to help youth #RiseAbove. You too can help youth #RiseAbove cyberbullying. For every comment in support left on this post, we’ll donate $5 to the WE Movement.
InspireMore is an uplifting media site that gives users the ability to make a global impact simply by watching or sharing inspiring content. http://www.inspiremore.com/
What’s your Poo IQ? Take the quiz, and unlock 50 cents for @unicefusa http://bit.ly/2eUIYzu
0.05 Euro for education projects in poor areas of the world
http://www.twowings.com/en/contribute/ click HELP WITH A CLICK BUTTON TO RELEASE HUMAN Life's Potential
clicking on the link = is your click!
"Treasury of Good Education" is a scholarship fund for young people who want to develop their passions and talents to better serve thebuilding of the National Good. Scholarship funds are awarded to students of the Youth Academy for good grades. The purpose of the Academy is to prepare young people to work for economic and social development of our country.
To help fund a scholarship - click on the Link above, then on the chest and open it.
http://polskieserce.pl/ Click on the heart to contribute
Please do this quiz daily ...
1 = A, 2 = D, 3 = C, 4 = B, 5 = C, 6 = A, 7 = B
"The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity." (Al-Tirmidhi: 604)
"Every act of goodness is charity." (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 496).
http://cannecy.free.fr/waste/ Click to clean waste
http://cannecy.free.fr/solar/ Click to convert to solar energy
http://www.fandonation.com/ Listen briefly to prevent teen suicide
http://www.jword.jp/campaign/cha_asap/ To provide disaster relief in Japan CLICK the red hearts in the 6 blue boxes

#children #orphans #humanity #help #needy #MakeADifference #Free#easy #onenation #oneworld #quick #simple #click #education #support#blessings #sadaqa #charity #rewards #GoodDeeds #Feed #change #Sponsor #cleanwater #housing #shelter #protection #pets #animals #disasters

Basic income: enriching humanity on an individual level | Halldóra Mogen...

Would you like to increase your good deeds by helping humanity, animals and environment with a simple FREE click?
You may click once a day, every day.
http://www.pajacyk.pl/#index CLICK the hungry tummy!
Which children’s rights issue should you champion?
Right now, nearly 1 in 4 children are growing up in countries affected by conflict or disaster – they need advocates like you to stand up for their rights. Take our quiz to match with your ideal advocacy issue. When you match, you’ll unlock 50 cents for children.
http://www.cliquealimentos.com.br/Inicial FEED HUNGRY in BRAZIL Click to feed
Pop Quiz: What do you really know about these lunch foods? Take the @feedingamerica quiz and help fight hunger!. http://bit.ly/2aZMtov
http://cancerdemama.com.br/ TO HELP BREAST CANCER RESEARCH IN BRAZIL
http://www.bhookh.com/ Thank You !
You have donated a cup of staple food to a hungry Indian through the UN.
Please remember to come back tomorrow.
http://www.okruszek.org.pl/ CLICK the BREAD to feed the hungry!
The Prophet saw said ‘’...the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little.”
This is Lynelle, a brave Canadian teen who stood up to cyberbullying and joined us on the WE Day stage to help youth #RiseAbove. You too can help youth #RiseAbove cyberbullying. For every comment in support left on this post, we’ll donate $5 to the WE Movement.
InspireMore is an uplifting media site that gives users the ability to make a global impact simply by watching or sharing inspiring content. http://www.inspiremore.com/
What’s your Poo IQ? Take the quiz, and unlock 50 cents for @unicefusa http://bit.ly/2eUIYzu
0.05 Euro for education projects in poor areas of the world
http://www.twowings.com/en/contribute/ click HELP WITH A CLICK BUTTON TO RELEASE HUMAN Life's Potential
clicking on the link = is your click!
"Treasury of Good Education" is a scholarship fund for young people who want to develop their passions and talents to better serve thebuilding of the National Good. Scholarship funds are awarded to students of the Youth Academy for good grades. The purpose of the Academy is to prepare young people to work for economic and social development of our country.
To help fund a scholarship - click on the Link above, then on the chest and open it.
http://polskieserce.pl/ Click on the heart to contribute
Please do this quiz daily ...
1 = A, 2 = D, 3 = C, 4 = B, 5 = C, 6 = A, 7 = B
"The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity." (Al-Tirmidhi: 604)
"Every act of goodness is charity." (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 496).
http://cannecy.free.fr/waste/ Click to clean waste
http://cannecy.free.fr/solar/ Click to convert to solar energy
http://www.fandonation.com/ Listen briefly to prevent teen suicide
http://www.jword.jp/campaign/cha_asap/ To provide disaster relief in Japan CLICK the red hearts in the 6 blue boxes
#children #orphans #humanity #help #needy #MakeADifference #Free#easy #onenation #oneworld #quick #simple #click #education #support#blessings #sadaqa #charity #rewards #GoodDeeds #Feed #change #Sponsor #cleanwater #housing #shelter #protection #pets #animals #disasters

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Saving lives by saving trees | Kinari Webb | TEDxRainier

Make #everyday a day of #kindness#choosekind
Plant a tree with a 50 second view of this eco friendly ad. https://youtu.be/5MV0gqN7fbAwww.bubblytree.com
Ecosia We finance tree-planting programs with 80% of our profits 🌍 Make Ecosia your default search engine 🍃 + 18,000,000 trees planted 🌳ecosia.co/what
Help reduce CO2 emissions and fight global warming! Plant trees for free by simply clicking on the link. Reduce carbon emissions and fight global warming. http://ecologyfund.com/