Saturday 17 December 2016

Rice up with me

#إيران: نرجس، تقرأ احد كتيّبات البرنامج وتقول انها تود ان تكون جزءً من البرنامج عندما تكبر، لتوفير الدعم للمحتاجين ومستقبل أفضل للأطفال في مجتمعها.
©WFP/Mohammad Khodabaksh

#Iran: Narcissus, read one of the pamphlets program and says she wants to be part of the show when I grow up, to provide support to the needy and a better future for children in her community.

في الفترة ما بين 12-18 ديسمبر/كانون الأول قدم برنامج الأغذية العالمي مساعدات غذائية لاكثر من 39,000 نازح ولاجئ في أنحاء #ليبيا

Between 12-18 December, wfp provided food assistance for more than 39,000 displaced persons and refugees throughout #Libya
صباح الخير من لبنان! يامن وحمود إخوة ويستمتعون بالخبز والزعتر واللبن في إفطارهم. فرت عائلتهم من منزلهم في مدينة حمص السورية قبل ثلاث سنوات. اليوم، يعيشون في خيمة في طرابلس، لبنان.
©©WFP/Edward Johnson

Good morning from Lebanon! Safe and maud brothers and enjoy the bread and milk and thyme in their breakfast. Family fled from their home in the city of homs, Syria, three years ago. Today, living in a tent in Tripoli, Lebanon.
©WFP/Edward Johnson

WFP has three main goals under its Syria response

1) To deliver food to people affected by conflict, malnourished children, pregnant women and nursing mothers;
2) To provide emergency food assistance, and;
3) To offer tailored programmes focusing on relief and recovery, school feeding and nutrition.

Food assistance

In October, as a result of new donor support, WFP has been able to increase the value of the electronic vouchers it uses to provide food assistance to extremely vulnerable Syrian refugees in Jordan and Lebanon to an average of US$21 per person per month – 80 percent of the full intended voucher value. This is a positive development as assistance was cut down to 50 percent on average during the previous months due to a severe lack of funding.
WFP reaches more than four million people every month inside Syria with urgently needed food and provides electronic food vouchers (e-card) to up to 1.5 million refugees in neighbouring countries.
WFP knows that host countries are affected by the burden of the refugee crisis. And, thanks to the food e-card system, WFP has injected more than US$1 billion into the local economies of Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt and helped create thousands of local jobs in the food retail sector.
Visit the Syrian Arab Republic newsroom for the latest news releases, stories, photos and publications on the Syria emergency.

WFP Programmes

  • General food distribution

    Every month, WFP distributes family food rations to displaced and conflict-affected families across Syria. These rations contain staple food items including rice, bulgur wheat, pasta, lentils, canned food, sugar, salt, cooking oil and wheat flour. More than four million people benefit from this assistance every month.
  • Relief and recovery

    As the conflict drags on, WFP is working with key partners to build resilience in relatively stable areas. Food assistance for some displaced families will be provided as an incentive to work on rehabilitating infrastructure, vegetable gardening or poultry production with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
  • School feeding

    In 2014, WFP launched a school feeding programme in Syria in partnership with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education. In December 2015, WFP distributed healthy school snacks to 375,000 children in primary schools in Rural Damascus, Damascus city, Aleppo, Homs, Tartous and Al-Hasakeh.
    Children receive date bars fortified with vitamins and minerals to encourage them to enrol and stay in school. WFP started also in December distributing the first batch of locally produced date bars that WFP purchased from a local manufacturer contracted in late August, which sources the raw materials from Syrian wholesalers and employs 15 people, including 5 women, involved in all stages of production. This initiative is a milestone in WFP’s effort to strengthen and build resilience in Syria.
  • Nutrition

    WFP’s nutrition programme for pregnant women and nursing mothers helps more than 7,000 mothers in Homs and Lattakia buy fresh produce, dairy and meat products to supplement their diets using WFP food vouchers. WFP plans to expand this programme to Tartous, Aleppo and Qamishly over the first quarter of 2016, reaching 15,000 mothers. 
    To prevent child malnutrition, WFP also aims to provide supplementary feeding products to 240,000 children under the age of five in eight Syrian governorates.

Critical funding shortages

Millions of Syrian refugees need help and we have an obligation to ensure that their basic needs are met. Syrians in despair are now taking extreme measures to cope including returning to Syria or leaving host countries for elsewhere. Those in the most difficult and vulnerable situations in neighbouring countries are unable to move because they cannot afford it.
In 2015, WFP faced critical funding shortages that forced it to reduce the level of assistance it provides to vulnerable Syrians inside and outside the country. 

How you can help

Sustainable and predictable funding is needed to ensure that WFP assistance continues. 
  • Please donate today and help get life-saving food to families who need it the most. Our work is 100% voluntarily funded, and 90% of every contribution gets to beneficiaries. Every donation makes a difference. Just $50 will provide food for a child for the next three months. 


  1. Love what you're doing, helping others is a great way of living a meaningful life. May God bless you!

    1. Thanks for your kind comment, May God bless you too.

  2. Your 3 goals are very noble. I'm glad there are people in the world that take such care in a matter like this.
    Sam Valladares
